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Jamiroquai in concert for Monaco Red Cross Gala

Ukraine: The Monaco Red Cross continues its action in support of the population

Published on 16.03.2022

The situation is more than alarming, the Ukrainian people are deprived of water and electricity, the telephone network, extremely limited, is making it almost impossible to stay in contact with families. People are fleeing, and the number of refugees is ever increasing.

Committed to the fundamental principles of the Movement, the Monaco Red Cross is continuing its humanitarian action by providing financial support to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The Red Cross has added a further 700,000 Euros to its initial donation of 250,000 Euros, thanks to the generosity of businesses and the Monegasque people.

Donations made to the IFRC will provide support to those in need, especially those most at risk. That means primarily unaccompanied minors, single parent families, the elderly and the disabled.

The funds allocated to the ICRC will help emergency aid operations, repairs to critical infrastructure, supplies of drugs and equipment to healthcare facilities, support for families with food, water, and hygiene products.

Through its contribution, the Monaco Red Cross is demonstrating its commitment and the commitment of the Monegasque people in regard to this crisis and is keeping a close eye on any developments regarding the conflict.

A huge thank you to our donors; however, the needs are tremendous, so the appeal continues.


 To make a donation, log on to

or send a cheque to the order of Monaco Red Cross – Ukraine – 27 Boulevard de Suisse, 98000 Monaco


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