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NIGER : Orthopaedic missions

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NIGER : Orthopaedic missions


There is a genetic illness that wreaks havoc amongst developing countries: sickle-cell anaemia. This illness, unknown in the West, is especially frequent in Africa and predominant in equatorial Africa. One assesses at 50 million the number of individuals suffering from it in the world. Its prevalence rate in West Africa is around 10%, and varies according to countries. Sickle-cell anaemia is incurable, very painful, and affects especially the joints, resulting in important necroses that seriously complicate the lives of the young people suffering from it (between the ages of 16 and 30): impossibility to work and sometimes even the need for complete immobility. Fitting in a hip prosthesis enables these persons to be autonomous again.


  • Surgical operations that normally cannot be done because of the lack of material means and professional skills, on patients selected based on medical and social criteria, in cooperation with the staff of the national hospital;
  • Training of the national hospital staff.


Since 2001, 695 patients have been operated on. Some of them had 2 to 3 operations, which carries the total amount of operations to almost 760.

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Project Note

Purpose: Missions of adult and paediatric orthopaedic surgery in West Africa

Recipients: 695 operated on to this day; an average of 65 patients operated on every year

Partners: Princess Grace Hospital, Niamey National Hospital, Niger Red Cross

Yearly budget: 55,400 € in 2011; average of 1,250 Euros/patient.

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