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MALI – Support to heavily disabled children in Bamako

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MALI – Support to heavily disabled children in Bamako


Disabled persons in Mali often find themselves in a complex situation. They must both face their handicap and provide for their needs in spite of the social and economic context. Social exclusion is also very real. Discrimination and prejudice against disabled persons result not only in excluding them from society, but also in reinforcing their isolation by denying their capacities or their skills.

Disabled persons in Mali often find themselves in a complex situation. They must both face their handicap and provide for their needs in spite of the social and economic context. Social exclusion is also very real. Discrimination and prejudice against disabled persons result not only in excluding them from society, but also in reinforcing their isolation by denying their capacities or their skills.

Children with cerebral motor disabilities are handicapped children, physically and mentally, who need long-term physiotherapy. These children are often neglected by their next of kin, whereas they need special attention and almost permanent stimulation.

To take care of these children and help them readjust, it is indispensable that physiotherapy be regular to obtain positive results. But quite often, families have little means and have problems following this physiotherapy regularly.

Project description

The project enables to take care of children with cerebral motor disabilities and follow them thanks to tailored physiotherapy and special orthopaedic appliances (chairs, splints, orthoses…)

It also enables the centre to generate income thanks to the rental of external consultation rooms, until the authorities take over for the treatment and support of disabled persons living in Mali.

The Red Cross also helps the centre by obtaining equipments sent by containers.

Project description

  • Take care and follow up the rehabilitation of children with cerebral motor disabilities.
  • Offer orthopaedic appliances adapted to children with cerebral motor disabilities for a better autonomy
  • Develop the operation of a Medical Practice. 


  • As an average, 20 disabled children are taken care of with 3 sessions of physiotherapy per week and orthopaedic appliances for some of them; their families are all followed up at home and learn how to live better with their disabled child.
  • Open days were organised to introduce the centre to the population and to carry out free consultations of about one hundred persons.

More than one thousand annual consultations in the centre and in the medical practice; this figure is clearly increasing every year.

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Project Note

Our partner on site, the Centre for physiotherapy and orthopaedic appliances Père Bernard Verspieren, supports families who cannot assume the cost of physiotherapy and orthopaedic appliances for their heavily disabled child (mainly children with cerebral motor disabilities), by covering more than 90% of the total cost for the treatment of a small patient.

Purpose: Support to the Centre Père Bernard Verspieren for the rehabilitation of disabled children

Recipients: 23 disabled children, as well as patients receiving consultations at the Centre and in the Medical Practice

Financial partner: Department of International Cooperation of Monaco (DCI)

Budget: 40,000 Euros

Period: 2010-2012

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