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Monaco Collectif Haiti

After the violent earthquake that struck Haiti on Tuesday 12 January 2011, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco has wished to form an association with all the Principality’s humanitarian actors (Prince’s Government, Monegasque Red Cross and about twenty NGO’s) to support a common project: “Monaco Collectif Haiti”. Since then, the Town Hall of Monaco and some private companies have also wished to take part in this project.

Thanks to a call for donations, but also out of its own funds, the Monegasque Red Cross has widely contributed to this initiative. Claude FABBRETTI takes an active part in the running committee of the project, both in the field for evaluations, or in meetings with partners of the project. To this day, more than 1 million Euros have been collected by all the organisations taking part in the project.

After several missions in the field in Haiti, the “Collectif” has decided to support the global health project of Dr. William PAPE, the creator and person in charge of the 26 Gheskio health centres in the country, pioneers in matters of research and fight against HIV/AIDS, through the construction of a nursing and primary school for 400 children in Port-au-Prince.

Works on the school began in May 2011. Unfortunately, a cholera epidemic has affected Port-au-Prince in July, slowing down the works. They were able to resume and the building was scheduled to be completed before the end of 2011.

The funds of “Monaco Collectif Haiti” should enable to equip the school and ensure its operation for the first year of its opening in 2012.

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