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Operation of the Day Nursery

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Operation of the Day Nursery

  • Flexible children’s welcome.
  • Progressive adjustment.
  • Respect of the child’s pace.
  • Teaching the first rules of community life.
  • Qualified and motivated professional team.
  • Limited staff.

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Educational programme :

1) Basic learning.

  • Structuring the prerequisites.
  • Approach to handwriting, then reading.
  • Approach of reading and auditory discrimination.
  • Discovery of mathematics. 

2) Broadening knowledge.

  • Plastic arts: sensory and creative development.
  • Motivity: development of motor skills.
  • Music: raising consciousness of musical expression.
  • English: introduction. 

Programme during school holidays :

  • Early-learning workshops.
  • Outdoor games.
  • Outings.
  • Picnics.
  • Swimming pool.
  • Playful activities…

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The market

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