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Operation of the Nursery

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Operation of the Nursery

The nursery is a place where children aged 0 to 3 years are welcomed.

It includes three departments:

  • Babies between 3 months and 12 months.
  • Middle children between 12 months and 24 months.
  • Older children between 24 and 36 months.

The management staff includes a headmistress who is a nurse and a nursery nurse, a teacher for young children and nine nurses’ aids.

The premises are outfitted so that the children may thrive and have their sensibilities awakened in safe, comfortable and adapted premises.

The main objective being to respect every child’s pace and their personality.

Activities are diverse and multiple, they are set up in the various departments (babies, middle children, older children) according to the children’s age and development :

  • Early-learning activities: singing, introduction to music.
  • Experimental activities, discovery of different materials, textures, objects, games or toys.
  • Motor and psychomotor activities: general motor skills, discovering the body outline, time, space.
  • Activities for fine-tuned motor skills: handwriting, collages, modeling clay, sand.
  • Discovering the environment through various outings, books or documents.
  • Introduction to music.
  • Body expression.
  • Socialization activities: symbolic games.
  • Supervised activities: embedded shapes, puzzles.
  • Activities surrounding the year’s events: National Holiday, Christmas, Epiphany, Carnival…

All these activities were thought of by the educational team and selected according to the children’s age and their centers of interest.

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Toddlers before the toys


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