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Niger :
  • Strengthening First Aid Skills

Our training initiatives in « life-saving techniques » and the capacity building of the Niger Red Cross have increased the number of voluntary rescue workers and rescue brigades to address the emergencies affecting the country, for the benefit of the people of Niger and refugees. We are also helping the Niger Red Cross to become financially independent thanks to the implementation of a first aid access programme.

Beneficiaries:Niger National Society and indirectly the Niger population and refugees.

Location: Niamey, Maradi and Zinder regions

Côte d’Ivoire :
  • Community health

According to WHO, currently one third of the world population still has no access to improved sanitation services. Our action is aimed at reducing sanitary risks and improving people’s living conditions. With the communities, we promote access to drinking water, hygiene and sanitation by setting up appropriate local infrastructure, training and awareness programmes in order to obtain a sustainable impact.

Beneficiaries: 14 725 people (1 672 families)

Location: Agbaou, Divo Prefecture

Armenia :
  • Home care for the elderly

Our action is aimed at improving the health, well-being and integration of the most vulnerable elderly individuals by promoting access to suitable medical and social home care. In cooperation with the Swiss Red Cross, we are helping the Armenian Red Cross to set up this community service.

Beneficiaries: vulnerable and isolated seniors (including the disabled and chronically ill)

Location: Shirak and Lori regions

Italy :
  • Migratory flow in Europe

Since June 2015, the MRC has offered support to the Italian Red Cross in order to cope with the multiple humanitarian emergencies created by the increased migratory flow into Europe; this has been achieved by providing volunteers to manage camps, activities, legal information, prepare and distribute meals as well as purchasing equipment. The border town between Italy and France is situated less than 15 kilometres from the Principality and for many years the two national Red Cross societies have been implementing common actions (relief measures in Monaco and Italy, shared training and practice).

Beneficiaries: + 15,000 migrants or asylum seekers since June 2015.

Location: Ventimiglia

Burundi :
  • Training and equipment for emergency brigades

Since 2015 Burundi has suffered numerous crises: several landslides and floods due to the El Niño phenomenon have forced several thousand inhabitants to move. Moreover, the political crisis has led to hundreds of deaths and many arrests in several of the country’s major cities. Since early 2016, the MRC has conducted an emergency project to train and equip the Burundi Red Cross (CRB) emergency brigades in 3 provinces of the country. A MRC representative and first-aid expert, travelled there to support CRB colleagues to implement the activities.

Beneficiaries: 70 Emergency Officers and 2 000 families

Location: Provinces of Cibitoké, Rumongé, Rural Bujumbura

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