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Host families

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Host families

  • Profile

They are young… or not so young… with or without children…they live in a house or a small apartment… it doesn’t really matter. However, they are available, affectionate, loving and live in or around Monaco.

They give the child what he/she is deprived of due to the distance from his/her own family. When the child leaves, the host family is sad to say goodbye but happy to know that he/she is better. They have been through an unforgettable experience and have helped change the life of a child and his/her family.

Depending on each child’s needs, the host family may be required from 5 days up to 6 weeks. The child’s age varies ranging from just a few months to 15 years maximum.

  • Role

The care provided by host families consists of several key phases :

First of all the family receives the child, helps him/her to adapt and prepares him/her for the operation.

While the child is in hospital, the family is there for him/her on a daily basis. This is followed by a convalescence period and preparation for the return home.

During the child’s stay and after his/her return home, host families are given the opportunity to stay in contact with the child’s family either directly or via correspondents.

The length of a child’s stay varies from 5 days to two months, or even longer in the event of complications.

  • How to become a host family

Monaco Collectif Humanitaire needs new host families on a permanent basis.

All the above is in addition to its historical role in managing pooled funds since the Group was first established.

Send an application form.

  • Funding

Initial funds were provided when the Group was created in 2008 for the fiftieth birthday of the Sovereign Prince. Since then, members organisations of Monaco Collectif Humanitaire continue to lend their support and individual donors have joined them.

The average budget for providing care to a child amounts to approximately 10,000 Euros.

Monaco Collectif Humanitaire is constantly seeking donations in order to offer care to these children.

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