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Become an international humanitarian volunteer

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Become an international humanitarian volunteer

Beware, most of our volunteer members are engaged in an activity… in Monaco! Volunteer members brought about to leave on field work have been widely involved in a project, or else they have essential technical skills that cannot be found in the countries of their action. To become a humanitarian volunteer is first of all to share a vision of the world, of humanitarian values, and a spirit of solidarity.

Volunteer work is selflessness… In exchange for many other things! Humanitarian volunteers are sought out regularly to participate in training sessions and international solidarity events in Monaco or elsewhere. Meetings of humanitarian volunteer members, several times a year, enable to create a network, to exchange, to share and, why not? To give rise to new combined efforts of international solidarity.

The international section of the Monaco Red Cross includes about one hundred volunteers grouped together into project committees or specialised areas :

  • Technical area (dwelling, construction, water, engineering)
  • Health area (food safety, medical: paediatric, orthopaedic, surgical, ophthalmologic…)
  • Educational area (teaching, e-learning, coordination)
  • Centre for the reinforcement of skills (project management, fund-raising, follow-up/evaluation…)
  • Logistic centre (loading containers, organisation of stocks and missions…) 

Persons wishing to be engaged into an activity of international solidarity find an attentive ear and fit in within this friendly and enthusiastic group. Namely, young volunteer members have the opportunity of achieving projects side by side with experienced professionals.

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You are interested?

Anyone wishing to be engaged in a volunteer activity in the humanitarian sector can contact our office at the headquarters :


Telephone : +377 97 97 68 05/22


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